One Tuesday morning per month. Check the monthly calendar and newsletter for this month's distribution date and time.
Women and men 60 years or older, who live in Minnesota and meet income guidelines, may be eligible to receive a monthly food package. Pier 55 is a distribution site. For more information and to see if you qualify, contact Channel One Food Bank toll-free at 1-877-500-8699, ext. 104.
Call or stop in, 651-327-2255.
If you have medical equipment you no longer need, please donate it to the Senior Center.
David Sides, Public Outreach Coordinator
Contact: or
Marla Valentino-Wiste hosts Ucare presentations on Medicare/insurance at Pier 55 regularly. For more information contact Marla at 612-414-2003.
Red Wing Area Seniors now offers Silver and Fit reimbursement for many of our fitness classes. Stop in or call to get more information. See our Fitness page for details about our class offerings. There’s a class for whatever your skill and interest level may be. For information on Silver and Fit, call your insurance provider or check this website: